Tuesday, April 20, 2010

LaTeX: Lstinline and Hyphenations

I really like the LaTeX listing package. However, there is one serious problem: Hyphenations are not supported (Option breakline does not break words)! Fortunately I found a solution which is not 100% perfect, but almost (let's say 99% ;-) ). The idea is to use the replacement feature of listings in combination with the discretionary command. Actually, this is not my idea, its Andrei Alexandrescu's idea. I slightly modified his solution. So, here it is. Actually I define a new command for inline Java code -- you may do this using a style, but I prefer this one:
As '§' is rarely used in Java, I use this character as code delimiter in lstinline. Also, '$' is seldom found in Java code, so I activate mathescape by default as I use it from time to time (that is, more often then '$' in Java). Now, the trick is the literate option. It is used to replace a string in the code with another given string. So, the well known \- - command (telling LaTeX where to hyphenate a word) is replaced here! And it is replaced by the \discretionary command. This one tells LaTeX, how to hyphenate a word, which is especially useful in German writings, where "ck" becomes "k-k". We use this command here to output the hyphen only when necessary. With this command, hyphenation is working within lstinline -- however you will have to mark it manually.
Let's have a look at a rather long Java class, called \lstJava{ThisIsA\-VeryLong\-ClassName}.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Create BibTeX Entry from Safari Document with BibDesk

I often have to reference webpages from my papers. I use bibtex and in order to reference a webpage I define a new bibtex entry of type webpage. Since I do not want to type in these entries manually, and thanks to BibDesk, a small applescript does the trick for me:
-- (C) 2010 Jens von Pilgrim
tell application "Safari"
 set theTitle to name of front document
 set theURL to URL of front document
end tell

set theDate to (year of (current date)) & "-"
set theMonth to (month of (current date)) * 1
if theMonth < 10 then
 set theDate to theDate & "0"
end if
set theDate to theDate & theMonth & "-"
set theDay to day of (current date)
if theDay < 10 then
 set theDate to theDate & "0"
end if
set theDate to (theDate & theDay) as text

display dialog "Key for webpage " & theTitle & ": " default answer ""
set dlgResult to result

if (button returned of dlgResult = "OK") then
 set theKey to text returned of dlgResult
 tell application "BibDesk"
  if (count of documents) = 0 then make new document
  tell document 1
   set newPub to make new publication at end of publications
   set type of newPub to "webpage"
   set cite key of newPub to theKey
   set the value of field "Key" of newPub to theKey
   set the value of field "Type" of newPub to "URL"
   set the value of field "Url" of newPub to theURL
   set the value of field "Lastchecked" of newPub to theDate
   set the value of field "Title" of newPub to "{" & theTitle & ", Project Website}"
   show newPub
  end tell
 end tell
end if
This script grabs the URL from the currently active Safari document and creates a new bibtex entry. Some field are automatically filled, including "Type" which is required by some styles I use.The script asks for the key of the new entry, as this cannot be determined automatically (at least, I don't want the script to make a false guess). I added the script to the BibDesk script folder (at ~/Library/Application Support/BibDesk/Scripts), so it is accessible from within BibDesk. Example: The script produces for http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/ the following entry:
 Date-Added = {2010-04-18 13:40:38 +0200},
 Date-Modified = {2010-04-18 13:40:38 +0200},
 Key = {BibDesk},
 Lastchecked = {2010-04-18},
 Title = {{BibDesk, Project Website}},
 Type = {URL},
 Url = {http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/}}

Convert Text to a (TeXShop) Convenient Label

TeXShop support smart selection of words. If you double-click a text, the whole word is selected. A word in TeXShop consists of the letters 'A/a' to 'Z/z' and underscores. Spaces and hyphen '-' are not interpreted as word but as whitespaces separating words. With BibDesk installed 1), you can press the F5 key within a \ref-command and a list will pop up with all the labels defined in your text.
If you want to quickly select a label in order to copy and paste it manually to a reference (e.g., if you do not use \ref but \autoref instead, the latter is not recognized as reference command by BibDesk), spaces and hyphens (and other punctuation characters) are really annoying as you cannot simply select the label using a double click. Even more annoying: If a label is selected from the proposal list (activiated via F5), only the label characters before the first space or punctuation character are pasted.
For that reason I do not use whitespaces or punctuation characters in labels. Since I do not want to convert all characters myself, I have added a new macro to TeXShop (with a nice shortkey on Cmd+'_') which does the trick:
--Applescript direct

-- Converts spaces and punctuation characters to underscores, useable for labels
-- (C) 2010 Jens von Pilgrim
tell application "TeXShop"
set snippet to the content of the selection of the front document
-- replace commands
set snippet to do shell script ¬
"echo " & the quoted form of snippet & ¬
" | sed -E 's/([[:space:]]|[[:punct:]])/_/g'"
set the selection of the front document to snippet
end tell
Note: In a previous posting, I published a macro creating section headers automatically. I have improved this macro in order to convert the whitespaces and punctuation characters in labels as well.
1)Thank you, Herb Schulz, for reminding me that it's BibDesk which adds the completion list to TeXShop ;-)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

BBL to BIB with BibDesk

BibDesk manages my bibliography, just like iTunes manages my music. I have a single iTunes library, and I also have only a single master bibliography. However, when writing a paper, I want to create a new bib file with only the publications cited in the paper. BibTeX nicely creates a bibliographic reference file (*.bbl), but I want a bibliography file (*.bib) in order to be able to open the paper related publications with BibDesk. So, what I needed was a tool to convert the bbl file into a bib file. Fortunately, I found everything for that on my machine: AppleScript, grep, sed and, of course, BibDesk. I wrote a small script which simply creates a new bib file using a source bib file and a selected bbl file. Simply install the script listed below to your script folder (~/Library/Scripts) and name it "Create BIB from BBL.scpt" . Open your master bib file with BibDesk, then select a bbl file and activate the script(from the script menu in the menu bar). It will automatically create a new bib file in the folder of the bbl file, with the same name as the original bbl file (but with the extension bib).
-- Creates a new bib-file from an bbl-file using BibDesk -- (C) 2010 Jens von Pilgrim -- Version: 1.1, 20100615 tell application "Finder" set selectedItems to the selection end tell if ((count of selectedItems) = 0) then display dialog "Please select at least one bbl file" buttons {"OK"} return end if -- retrieve master bib file set sourceDoc to "" tell application "BibDesk" if (count of documents) = 0 then display dialog "Please open the source bibliography with BibDesk" buttons {"OK"} return end if if (count of documents) > 1 then set listOfNames to {} as list repeat with doc in documents set listOfNames to listOfNames & name of doc end repeat set selected to (choose from list listOfNames) as string repeat with i from 1 to the count of documents set doc to (item i of documents) set strDocName to name of doc as string if (strDocName is equal to selected) then set sourceDoc to document i log "source doc set" end if end repeat if sourceDoc is equal to "" then return end if else set sourceDoc to document 1 end if end tell -- log "copy items from master bib file" -- convert all selected bbl files repeat with theItem in selectedItems set theFile to theItem as alias set posixpath to POSIX path of theFile if (offset of ".bbl" in posixpath) > 0 then set destPosixpath to (my rename(posixpath, "bbl", "bib")) set destFile to POSIX file destPosixpath tell application "Finder" if (exists destFile) then set rep to display dialog "File " & destFile & " already exists. Overwrite?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} set skip to (button returned of rep = "No") else set skip to false end if end tell if (not skip) then -- log "examine bbl file " & quoted form of posixpath -- actually, this is the most important line: set allCites to do shell script "grep -E \"\\\\\\\\bibitem[:space:]*(\\[[^]]*\\])?[:space:]*{([^}]*)}\" " & (quoted form of posixpath) & " | sed -E \"s/\\\\\\\\bibitem[:space:]*(\\[[^]]*\\])?[:space:]*{([^}]*)}/\\2/\"" set numberOfItems to length of paragraphs of allCites if numberOfItems = 0 then display dialog "No bibitems found in " & posixpath & ", maybe the file does not contain any bibitems or the search pattern does not recognize your file format." buttons {"Too bad."} else set numberOfMissedItems to 0 set missedItems to "" tell application "BibDesk" set destDoc to make new document repeat with cite in paragraphs of allCites set bibs to search sourceDoc for cite set bFound to false repeat with bib in bibs set strFoundKey to cite key of bib as string set strCite to cite as string if strFoundKey is equal to strCite then -- log strCite & " found, add to new bib" set newBib to make new publication at end of publications of destDoc duplicate bib to newBib set bFound to true end if end repeat if not bFound then set numberOfMissedItems to numberOfMissedItems + 1 if (numberOfMissedItems > 1) then set missedItems to missedItems & ", " end if set missedItems to missedItems & cite end if end repeat save destDoc in destFile end tell if numberOfMissedItems > 0 then display dialog "Did not found " & numberOfMissedItems & " out of " & numberOfItems & " items: " & missedItems & "." buttons {"Uups"} end if end if end if else display dialog "Can only extract bib entries from BBL file, was " & posixpath end if end repeat -- this sub-routine just comes up with the new name on rename(item_name, item_ext, new_extension) set the trimmed_name to text 1 thru -((length of item_ext) + 2) of the item_name set target_name to (the trimmed_name & "." & new_extension) as string return the target_name end rename
If you don't have BibDesk, you might want to have a look at Michael Zhang's Perl Script. Instead of parsing the bbl file, Zhang's script parses the latex source. I prefer parsing the bbl file, as sometimes I use a whole bunch of latex sources, and BibTeX is quite good in gathering all citations into a single bbl file. You may also want to read the comments to Zhang's post for other solutions. If you don't have a master bib file, you may look at http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=makebib. There's a perl scrip provided reconstructing a bib file from a bbl file only. Update 2010-06-15: I updated the script as some BBL files were not recognized. If the script doesn't work, you may have a look at your BBL file. At the moment, the script searches for bibitems like "\bibitem{key}" or "\bibitem[abbr]{key}".