Wednesday, July 22, 2009

OmniGraffle Stencils

My favorite application for creating nice drawing is OmniGraffle. At Graffletopia you can find lots of user created stencils, that is templates for using in your own drawing. The latest version of OmniGraffle let you search a stencil directly at Graffletopia, so if you think you need something like UML notation elements, just enter UML in OmniGraffel's stencil window and you will find several stencils at Graffletopia. I have created some stencils as well, and you can download them from Graffletopia. You can either search for them from within OmniGraffle, or you can download and install them manually. Here is a list of my stencils:
  • UML 2.1 Collection: A collection of notation elements for creating UML 2 class, activity, use case, sequence, or component diagrams. It's a rather large stencil, but it contains most UML 2.1 elements
  • Feature Diagrams: Feature Diagram stencil, notation based on the book "Generative Programming" by K. Czarnecki and U.W. Eisenecker. (Updated today and fixed some problems)
  • Post-it Notes: A collection of six colored post-it notes with nice shadow, slightly bended.
Have fun!

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